Task status

To mark Done or Closed

At the beginning of each session each group owner will need to set the status of their cards.

At the wall, use two fingers and twist each card to the right to indicate the task was complete. A single diagonal line will appear on the card indicating completion.

The project owner twists the card to the right a second time to confirm that the task was complete. An X will now appear on the card indicating that the task has been closed.

If you are using a keyboard and mouse, statusing is completed by using a double-click 

or right click to bring up the menu, then select the status.


To mark a task as incomplete

To mark a task as incomplete, use two fingers and twist the card to the left.

Select a reason from variance from the drop-down list. You will now need to address the unfinished work.

If you are using a keyboard and mouse, statusing is completed by using a double-click 

or right click to bring up the menu, then select the status.


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Updated: November 20th, 2023