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Nialli™ Visual Planner
Nialli Visual Planner user guide
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Nialli™ Visual Planner
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Interactive wall
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Getting started
Download, install, and create a user account for Nialli Visual Planner
Getting started video
Nialli Visual Planner user guide
Nialli Visual Planner Field app for web browser
Nialli Visual Planner download for Windows®
Nialli Visual Planner user guide
Creating a plan
Local vs. Online
Project Structure – Work Breakdown
Creating a local plan
Create a new online plan
Locking a plan
Reasons for variance
Creating milestones
Importing milestones
Weekly Planning
Add/edit activities, tasks
Moving activities
Task Status
Parking Lot
Constraint log
Bulk activity and milestone move
Phase Planning
Creating a Phase Plan
Longest Path
Phase to Weekly Plan
Import Activities from Master Schedule
Reports and Export
PPC & Reasons for Variance
Activity report
Multiple Plan Export
Power BI Reporting
Analytics – Power BI
Available Power BI reports
Multiple plan export and Power BI template
Power BI Templates
Field web app
Personal devices
Signing in - web app
Adding activities - web app
Editing cards - web app
Icon for shortcut on Android
Configuring your network for Nialli Visual Planner (NVP)
Archiving Plans from Nialli Visual Planner
Export User List to Excel
Moving plans between subscriptions
How does the system encourage engagement in pull planning sessions?
Is the system capable of tracking a team's PPC?
Does the system support a constraint log?
Are chat, comment and video chat features embedded in the system?
Is there a record of tag movement or changes for project history?
Who can create and modify tags?
How does the system identify the longest path?
Is the system capable of customizing Variance reporting?
How easy is it to add users?
What are the steps to create a tag?
What effort is required to maintain and update the system?
Is system capable of import and export to and from P6?
Is the system an enterprise or stand-alone license?
Can comments be added to a tag?
If a tag is moved or commitment is not met is the system capable of automatically adjusting milestone schedule?
Inside the tag, is there a record of all changes?
How we can retrieve or track data if some tags were accidently deleted?
What are steps to create a new tag if you are not working on touch wall?
What type of hardware is required and will it be supplied by Nialli as part of subscription cost?
What is one Nialli strength as a virtual pull planning system relative to other competitors?
What is the cost of implementation fee?
Is a free trial available?
What contract terms available?
As administrators, can we pre-fill the “stickies"?
Does the software have accessibility for mobile users?
Can a master schedule be imported from another application?
If there are changes on the "stickie note", can the software generate a notification to other tasks dependent upon it?
Are interdependencies between commitments clearly visible?
Are tags “stacked” or are concurrent tags visible?
Who can delete a plan?
Release notes
Version 1.4.18190.0
Version 1.4.16524.0
Version 1.4.13339.0
Version 1.4.11317.0
Version 1.4.9996.0
Version 1.4.8567.0
Version 1.4.6597.0
Version 1.4.5514.0
Version 1.4.5247.0
Version 1.4.5204.0
Version 1.4.4380.0
Version 1.4.3735.0
Version 1.4.3731.0
Version 1.4.3710.0
Version 1.4.3418
Version 1.4.3071.0
Version 1.3.2741.0
Getting started (for EDU version)
Download, install, and create a user account for Nialli Visual Planner-EDU
Getting started video
Nialli Visual Planner user guide
Nialli Visual Planner (beta) Field app for web browser-EDU
Select a topic to browse articles
Creating a plan
Weekly Planning
Phase Planning
Reports and Export
Power BI Reporting
Field web app