Version 1.4.8567.0

Release date: August 24, 2023

EE     Enhancements

You now have the ability to import milestones from a master plan such as P6, Asta, or MSP into both the phase and weekly plan areas. Copies of those milestones can be moved into the plan via a drag and drop interface.  If that milestone goes late compared to the Master plan, an alert is shown. Clicking on the Master milestone highlights the plan milestones. The planned Master milestones and plan milestones are included in the exports for further analysis.

An ‘Actual crew size’ field is now available in the Edit activity dialog for planned vs actual resource comparisons.
Conditions of satisfaction can now be added to a milestone when it is being created in addition to the existing entry from the Edit milestone dialog.
In the web client, there are improvements in the Calendar and Activity sections including browse, add lane, and log constraint options.
New Power BI template reports for actual vs planned milestones, planned vs actual crew size and a Gantt view of activities.


The highlighted target day when moving an activity to the weekly plan from the phase plan has been repaired.
The multiple plan Power BI template is now being properly installed with the application.
Missing milestones, lanes, and misplaced activity tags on the Daily report export to PDF has been fixed.
Lanes deleted in the Windows client are now shown as deleted on the web client.
The Power BI issue with duplicate conditions of satisfaction has been resolved
When constraints are added from the web client, the responsible person is now saved in the log.
Various alert and information message improvements for clarity.

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Updated: July 27th, 2024