Version 1.4.6597.0

Release date: 19th April, 2023


  • The ability to export data from multiple plans in a subscription by a subscription administrator has been added to the Browse plan area. This will enable planners to generate consolidated PowerBI reports across projects to compare effectiveness and productivity. See below for specific instructions.
  • The ‘Weekly report’ is now an ‘Activity report’ that can be filtered by Trades and duration. Lane filtering is achieved by minimizing them and they will not be exported. Days are shown in the header for a daily report view – and it’s printer friendly!
  • The Export tab in the Reports section has been re-designed for improved clarity.
  • When deleting a lane, a progress indicator is now displayed.
  • A progress indicator when copying a plan from local to online is now displayed.
  • When the application is launched, a subscription and sign in is required. Contact us if you don’t have a subscription.
  • The Visual Planner user guide has been updated.




  • The lane extender tab at the ends of lanes have been repaired.
  • The Daily view PDF export accuracy has been fixed.
  • Moving more than one tag (different trades) up from the parking lot works properly.
  • Multiple displays parking lot(s) are replicating properly.
  • Phase pull milestone color is now being exported.


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Updated: July 27th, 2024